How reliable and accurate is this compared to external tools such as wave etc?
Accessibility checker
Hi Sairab,
Unfortunately, I don’t have any experience with wave, but I can tell you that the Accessibility Auditor conforms to WCAG2.0 and works be identifying issues rendered on the page at that point in time.
For that it is very accurate and reliable.
As with any accessibility tool though, it must be only used as part of an overall approach to tackling accessibility issues. For example, it cannot identify contrast issues with images that may be an issue for some users, or how a page may be presented to a screen reader.
We would always recommend that each tool not be used in isolation and that a holistic approach be take to make sure that not only does your site conform to the “guidelines”, (although some are near impossible to adhere to), but also try to go above and beyond where there’s the opportunity to make the web a more friendly place for all.
Is there something more specific that you were looking for in terms of accessibility auditing? or was this just a general enquiry?
Thanks @jsisk it was a general query really. It is near impossible to adhere to some guidelines
Yep, I totally agree, but as good web citizens/developers we must try where ever we can!
Here is one useful website that may help you on your accessibility journey: -
Best of luck!