I have a few questions about simple edit, involving acquiring locks and frames.
First, when a page is visited with /_edit, a lock is acquired for that page, correct? Is there an alternate way to grab the lock for that page, and also, more importantly, hold the lock/refresh without having to have the top frame do that for you?
Second, Simple Edit uses 3 frames, 2 are usually hidden. I assume the reason for this is allowing the editor to refresh the lock, using the top frame, so this is in conjunction with my first question, wondering if there is a way to hold the lock without needing the top frame.
Acquire locks and frames in Simple Edit
(Nic Hubbard)
(Avi Miller)
Totally untested theory: If you have JavaScript/AJAX that automatically requests the same URL as the header bar would, you could most likely keep the locks without using the frames.
(Nic Hubbard)
We are thinking along the same lines, this is exactly what I am working on doing. :)
I am just trying to figure out what the query string is which could grab a lock for a specific asset. I have tried:
But that does not seem to be getting the lock for asset 27505...still working on it.
(Greg Sherwood)
IIRC, the top frame checks what asset the main frame has loaded and then reacquires locks for that asset only. That allows it to let your locks expire if you have moved away from an asset. I don't think there is any query string var to tell it do acquire locks for a particular asset.
(Nic Hubbard)
Do you know if the top frame just checks this periodically, as the top frame does not change?