SOAP Calls in Triggers don’t seem to be compatible with the Action On Other Assets option.
I’ve got a bunch of Data Records with metadata fields, one of which contains an asset ID, the other contains a fee.
The intention is to have a Trigger fire whenever someone visits a webpage, and the Action of the Trigger uses the SOAP Server’s Advanced Search operation, to search a set of Data Records, returning those whose asset ID field matches the page the user is viewing.
After ticking the Action On Other Assets box, choosing the location of the Data Records in the Assets field, and choosing “Selected assets and their children” from the Asset Level dropdown, the SOAP call doesn’t return any results when used as part of the Trigger.
Obviously, Triggers normally execute in the context of the asset that fired them, but surely the purpose of the Action On Other Assets checkbox is to change that, and make the SOAP call (in this case), action on … well … other assets. According to the manual, that’s correct.
Any ideas?