Average rating tutorial

(Greg Sherwood) #1

For those interested in how the comment system works, and the new 3.16.6 feature to calculate average ratings, I’ve added a tutorial on my blog. This tutorial goes through the process of setting up a commenting system as well as how to apply the average rating functionality to existing comment systems. It’s also full of pretty pictures! Hope you find it useful.


(Nic Hubbard) #2

[quote]For those interested in how the comment system works, and the new 3.16.6 feature to calculate average ratings, I’ve added a tutorial on my blog. This tutorial goes through the process of setting up a commenting system as well as how to apply the average rating functionality to existing comment systems. It’s also full of pretty pictures! Hope you find it useful.


Good stuff Greg, thanks for showing us this.

Any word on getting a new part of the forum called “Tips & Tricks” or something, where we can pin these kind of things?

(Duncan Robertson) #3

Good job! Only one thing: MORE! :smiley:

(Dw Andrew) #4

Just to expand on this a little, How would I make the average rating print out (as stars) on the asset which is being commented on? Is there anything we can do with keywords like %comment_rating_image_html_block% for this? Otherwise I guess js would work ok, just use the average value from metadata, convert it to an out of five rating then print that many stars…

(Greg Sherwood) #5

You'll need to use JS for this as the comment system itself does not have support for average ratings.

(Imogen Levy) #6

I am trying to add an average rating feature to a 'glossary' section of my site, but can't seem to get it to work.

The set-up is as follows:

  1. An asset list to show the latest gloassry entries (news item assets)
  2. A paint layout with a news item custom asset type. This nests an asset builder where people edit the news items as well as rate the news items (the ratings are added as comment assets and children of the news items). The paint layout also has an asset list to list the ratings for each news item.

    I have also set up the metadata and trigger to record the average rating (which is working if i check the metadata for each news item) but i can't seem to get the average rating to display on the news items. It is currently showing just the latest added rating.

    What am i doing wrong?