We're currently using 3.18a Bulkmail documentation to decide on whether to use Generate as set user or Generate as recipient (p. 21, same page in latest 3.22b documentation) . The manuals recommends using Generate as set user in preference to Generate as recipient as Generate as recipient is more processor intensive. However I've been testing bulkmail using Generate as set user and using keyword replacement in the newsletter and the keyword replacements work fine, seemingly in defiance of the manuals which state that Generate as recipient should be used if using keyword replacements. I've only been testing this with half a dozen subscribers (keyword replacements work well with both CMS and non-CMS subscribers) so I'd like to know if there is something not quite right in the documentation or if there are any potential consequences for the CMS not coping with keyword replacements once I get hundreds of subscribers.
There are some keywords that work fine no matter what generation method you use. They are the basic user keywords.
You switch on Generate as Recipient when the content of the page changes based on who is logged in and complex keywords that look at the current user's attributes or metadata are used. This is often done if you are bulk-mailing a user's portal page or something similar that is very specific to them. Any content that actually needs to look at the current user for any sort of preferences will not work correctly when not generating in this mode.
[quote]There are some keywords that work fine no matter what generation method you use. They are the basic user keywords.
You switch on Generate as Recipient when the content of the page changes based on who is logged in and complex keywords that look at the current user's attributes or metadata are used. This is often done if you are bulk-mailing a user's portal page or something similar that is very specific to them. Any content that actually needs to look at the current user for any sort of preferences will not work correctly when not generating in this mode.[/quote]
Thanks for clearing that up, Greg.