Can't preview Flash interactive

(M Macdade) #1

Hi there,


I am trying to publish an Adobe Captivate interactive created by a client for use on one of our pages, but whenever I try to preview the .swf asset I get this message
ERROR: Could not load the file '.swf/_content/data.swf'

Also, when I try to preview the .html pages, it simply prompts me to download the file. I had a search through these forums and found some advice about setting Allow Unrestricted Access to No but that doesn't appear to have helped.


Any advice would be appreciated!




(Nic Hubbard) #2

Also, when I try to preview the .html pages, it simply prompts me to download the file. I had a search through these forums and found some advice about setting Allow Unrestricted Access to No but that doesn't appear to have helped.


You will need to make sure ALL of the files that the .swf is looking for also have "Allow Unrestricted Access" set to No, that way they all will have paths like you would expect.

(M Macdade) #3

Thanks Nic! Just for future use, is there an easy way to cascade this change to children assets?

(Nic Hubbard) #4

Thanks Nic! Just for future use, is there an easy way to cascade this change to children assets?


I am not sure there is a batch way to do it, but you could look into a Trigger action for setting an attribute, then use the Batch Manager to run that across all the assets.


If you are importing them I would FTP them onto the server then use the bulk import tool. That has the option when you are importing the files.