Having much difficulty cloning a design asset file along with its children (customisations, images, JS, CSS, etc)
It's a big job and the system keeps throwing errors about 75% in and it just doesn't go anywhere.
I'm doing some major edits on an existing website which makes extensive use of the 'mysource file' referencing. Is it normal for a clone procedure to fail in this manner? I've tried to do it on a smaller scale before and I think the system failed because when cloning nested content under a design asset it did not give a unique asset name - so there was a file naming conflict.
This is probably a good reason why I'm not too particularly fond of the 'mysource file' referencing system - I think you can really build yourself into a bad corner if you want to do some heavy customisation in the future that goes beyond using design asset customisations (right now the design file is just so full of customisations and nested content/variables that it just falls over and makes a HIPO 50% of the time...