Colored code in Parse File

(Nic Hubbard) #1

I had submitted this as a feature request (#2381) because I wanted to have line numbers and colored code in the parse file similar to what Dreamweaver of BBedit does.

Today I found a open source php tool called #2381 that allows you to hightlight html, php, and MANY other kinds of code exactly how I had needed, and adds line numbers. There is also the option to easily create your own language so that it would highlight matrix code also.

Would this be something that you think I could add to my system myself, as it only requires php. Or would this be something (as requested as a feature) that would need to be integrated into the Matrix Core, such as an external tool like html tidy?

(Greg Sherwood) #2

If you want coloured code and line numbers during editing, we would have to develop this as core parse file functionality and convert the text box to something more like a WYSIWYG editor.

If you just want to see the parse file with coloured code and line numbers, you could write a script that pulls the content out and displays it outside of Matrix, although it might be easier to just copy/paste into a text editor.

(Avi Miller) #3

I reckon it would be pretty easy to colour code the non-edit view of the parsefile, but far more difficult to colour code the editing view.

Personally, I used to use Dreamweaver on the PC to edit all my parsefiles. Now I use Coda on the Mac. Either way, I do my editing offline and then just paste it into the textarea.