Columns and equal heights

(Terry Clark) #1

I’m trying to create columns with equal heights using content containers. Is that possible using Squiz? The idea is to have the ability to create content containers with varying widths to accommodate a more responsive design.

I’ve been adding “col-md-4” to the class of my content container. Is there and additional class I can use to add equal heights to my columns?

(Tbaatar) #2

I think Squiz uses Bootstrap, so you’re best bet is to look at the Bootstrap manual.

add these classes to your content containers.

(Terry Clark) #3

I tried using the equal height class with no luck. :frowning:

(Tbaatar) #4

You may have to update the Bootstrap that came bundled with Matrix.

(Bart Banda) #5

Matrix doesn’t come bundled with Bootstrap, so it all depends on what styles and classes you have available to you in your frontend design, which is completely decoupled from Matrix core functionality. As in, you need to use whatever class/style that your frontend CSS supports.