Complex asset listing within a page

(Ryan Archer) #1

I'm currently using asset listing pages to list all the subsections links and information about a particular top level area of the website and then nesting them into the site pages. Works quite well to have the titles, thumbnail icons and links get generated as a list and can be styled via CSS. Most pages are setup to show just the top level of children pages (not grandchildren). Code in the asset listing default like so:

<div class="section-area">
<div class="intr-icon">
<a title="%asset_attribute_name%" href="%asset_href%">%asset_thumbnail%</a>
<div class="metadata">
<a title="%asset_attribute_name%" href="%asset_href%">%asset_attribute_name%</a>
<br />%asset_metadata_DC.Description%

However, I have run into one particular problem with a page that needs to be customised a bit more. We want to show the grandchildren on this one as a series of hyperlinks below the children title and link. Please look at the screenshot for a visualisation.


I am just a bit stumped on how to go about it. Would be wonderful if I could use a keyword like %child_asset_attirbute_name% and %child_asset_href% to print out the grandchildren data (BTW, I have set the direct Links property on the asset listing to Yes as it cannot discriminate between the levels).


I also thought about having nested asset listings within asset nested listings to achieve this result but already its getting messy and complicated (as you'd need a set for each section of the website). One thing did occur to me but I don't think it can be done. Using a Menu Design Area is perfect for this type of thing but I think is only available to use within the design file.


Is there a silver bullet solution to this that can be automated and clean? asset-listings.jpg (51.8 KB)

(Nic Hubbard) #2

I would use the list_current_asset_id feature. Would be perfect for it and would be really easy to setup.

(Ryan Archer) #3

Ahhh yes, that's what I ended up going to. I just had a bit of a hiccup because I used GET Variable instead of SESSION Variable in Dynamic Parameters. It's a pretty powerful tool that one...