Conditional keywords Display


Hi there

I am trying hide a section of the page depend on the URL where is nested, what’s the best solution?

any example would be great!

(Nic Hubbard) #2

Have you tried something like:






(Tim Trodd) #3

Like Nic said above for the url.

If you want to do it for specific pages only without having a certain word in the url, you can use ssjs.

e.g. something like the below

<!--@@ Allows for multiple random asset id's to display/hide stuff depending on if it matches the case
<script runat="server">
    switch ('%asset_assetid%') {
        case '65318':
        case '154668':
            print('<p>Statement is true</p>');

(Nic Hubbard) #4

If you are wanting to use the asset ID you could do:






(Steven Kent) #5

Could this be extended for multiple pages / assets? Thinking of nesting a single asset with conditional content display

Something like:

If asset is #123456, display The cat in the hat came back
Else if asset is #654321, display Green eggs and ham
Otherwise, display Horton hears a who

The last part is problematic. If I use


The cat in the hat came back

%end_global% %begin_globals_asset_assetid^eq:654321%

Green eggs and ham


Horton hears a who


I get this on #123456

The cat in the hat came back
Horton hears a who

and this on #654321

Green eggs and ham
Horton hears a who

(Lewis) #6

Hi @kentst,

Could just be a typo but don’t forget to add ‘s’ to the end of your keywords - %end_globals%, for example.

You could just capture the whole thing in one IF … THEN … ELSE:

  <p>The cat in the hat came back</p>
  <p>Green eggs and ham</p>
  <p>Horton hears a who</p>

… you could continue to extend the middle bit ( %else_begin_globals … ) to add additional, hard coded asset IDs.