Content Container Templates - HIPO stalling when applying metadata schema in Edit+

(Robin Bilney) #1



This is the first time I've played around with the new content container templates and I think I've come across a small bug with the metadata schema and the edit+ interface.


In Edit+, when I create a new content container with the template, the metadata schema doesn't get attached. I get a notice that reads: You must apply one or more schemas before entering metadata values.

It seems that the HIPO job "HIPO Job Edit Metadata Schemas" doesn't complete.  I have to go into the Admin interface and resume to job.
When I use the Admin interface to created the content container template, it works fine.
Has anyone else experienced this or Is it a problem with the way I've set up the template?

(Anthony Ponomarenko) #2

Hi Robin,


This was a bug that was fixed in


If you upgrade it will fix the issue you are seeing :)