CSV data source woes


it's working! thanks guys for all your help! The time is not filtering but the others are! i my filter I had ds__start_time and ds__presenter. Mitch on the tips and tricks forums was thankfully following the same tut yesterday and shared. Thanks guys.


If  you have any ideas how I can get my time filtering please let me know - or due to our version of matrix it's limited? Presenter results are also not returning if there is an apostrophe either :(

(Ashish Karelia) #22

Yeah, that's right. It's most likely because of the Matrix version you are on.

It's happening because of this issue http://bugs.matrix.squiz.net/view_bug.php?bug_id=6298which was fixed in 4.16.1+ version.




Hey Ash,

thanks for this bug. Darn bugs.

This should be fixed  however for our version. We are running 4.18.0 so according to the safe list listed there we should be ok.