Distinguish Custom Components from WYSIWYG components

(Kieran) #1

Matrix Version: 6.26.0

Hi there,
when asset listing WYSIWYG components, custom made components are also set by default to WYSIWYG type, when they are added to a page.
Is there a way to disregard custom components via an asset listing?

Also, seems a little silly that a custom component has a text area i either WYSIWYG/Snippet/Code/etc included by default.

If we could guarantee a way to remove this top section (without making a custom edit layout for every custom component), and/or (preferably) a way to list/exclude custom components when listing WYSIWYG components, that would solve the issue.

(Iain Simmons) #2

Hi @kieran.scott,

If you don’t want the container contents section showing, I’d recommend creating one Simple Edit Layout with only the following in it:


Then that Simple Edit Layout could be used on multiple components.

As for excluding custom components in a listing, you can use the following keyword %asset_data_attributes^index:attributes^index:value^index:template%, which will give you an asset ID if it is a custom component, or will be empty if it’s a regular WYSIWYG component.

Hope that helps!
– iain