Edit document asset by adding _admin to URL


Hi All


What would be the correct method to access the Matrix _admin interface directly from a file asset's __data/ URL? (if at all...)


Currently I have the  /_admin suffix added to PDF URLs generated from a Site Map asset, this opens the details screen just fine, only I get the following error above the asset map. 

  PHP Notice

			Undefined index: link_type
	<p>&#160;<p>My goal is to have a list of documents for admins to easily click and edit.<p>&#160;<p><span style="font-size:12px;">Matrix without &#160;_edit access.</span>

(Aleks Bochniak) #2

would you like your admins to edit via _edit or _admin ?

(Tim Davison) #3

Use GET arg limbo_assetid.  You can use it from any location in the site.  E.g.


That's for editing interface.


For admin interface it's even harder. use the following:


We have this problem a lot as file types are served via /__data/ so just adding /_edit or /_admin onto them doesn't cut it.


To make it easier we provide an EESLocator page, it's basically an asset listing, with a single root node passed in as asset replacement, and use the type formats to figure out the best way to show it.  Then we can link direct to the locator page, pass in the asset id, and it spits out the relevant links for us.


Works like a charm Tim, thank you (once again).


I had used a similar keywords for this in the past but my filing and Googling both failed me.