"Hide Unlinked Navigational Text" and What's New Asset Listings

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #1

I'm modifying a what's new asset listing which is set to display 10 or so results per page.


Normal asset listings have a list formatting option of 'Hide Unlinked Navigational Text' but I can't find that with my what's new listing - do they not have that formatting option?

(Bart Banda) #2

Hi Douglas, I don't believe so. But you could probably do it with some CSS hiding and keyword modifiers. 

For example, if you want to print a class when you are on the first or last page, use these two:


%previous_page^contains:href::first-page% %previous_page% %next_page%

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #3

Thanks Bart.

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #4

Implemented code based on Bart's tip - we have a 'hidden' class which hides elements so the contains modifier can be used to add it when required:

<a class='%previous_page^contains:href::hidden%' href='%previous_page_href%'>Previous page</a>
<a class='%next_page^contains:href::hidden%' href='%next_page_href%'>Next page</a>