How to build a blog

(Nic Hubbard) #19

Nesting the form just seems to further complicate the caching problem. I've given up for now.


I don't think that nesting forms is meant to work.

(Peter Bridgfoot) #20

Is it possible to have a setup where a user can reply to a comment on a comment?

(Nic Hubbard) #21

Is it possible to have a setup where a user can reply to a comment on a comment?


Sure, if you are listing comment assets, you can create a reply link on those comments. When you click that, just pass the id of that comment into your asset builder so that when you create the comment, it will be a child of that comment. Then in your layout just use come CSS and nested asset listings to do the layout.

(Peter Bridgfoot) #22

Sure, if you are listing comment assets, you can create a reply link on those comments. When you click that, just pass the id of that comment into your asset builder so that when you create the comment, it will be a child of that comment. Then in your layout just use come CSS and nested asset listings to do the layout.


Thanks. That worked.

(Charlotte Westney) #23

Re Capthas - we've actually changed our captchas on a lot of our forms to questions instead, not for technical reasons, just because it seems to generate less complaints from users, who have trouble deciphering the captcha characters.

So, we use things like 'What is 2 + 3?, set the field to numeric, required, validation set to must equal '5'.

We add in a note to explain why we're asking that question, and so far users seem to be ok with it and we don't get spam. So if you're having trouble with the captcha working on your comments, you could try something similar?


(Nic Hubbard) #24

Re Capthas - we've actually changed our captchas on a lot of our forms to questions instead, not for technical reasons, just because it seems to generate less complaints from users, who have trouble deciphering the captcha characters.

So, we use things like 'What is 2 + 3?, set the field to numeric, required, validation set to must equal '5'.

We add in a note to explain why we're asking that question, and so far users seem to be ok with it and we don't get spam. So if you're having trouble with the captcha working on your comments, you could try something similar?


If you are using a new version of Matrix I think that the best solution here is to use the built-in Mollom option. Most of the time the users would never even know it is working, but if someone did enter spam it would then bring up a captcha. It seems like the best of both worlds and works great.

(Ryan Archer) #25

Are you nesting the asset builder into the blog page, using a paint layout? What I have done always, is just use javascript to grab the submitted title and comment, then just append that to the DOM so that it looks like it is instantly added. Check out the commenting system on the Matrix Community site:

For this, you need to create a "child count" asset listing. Configure a normal asset listing with the type of child assets you want to count, in this case it is probably comment assets. Then, in the Page Contents of that asset listing, add the %asset_count% keyword. Then in the Dynamic Parameters section of the asset listing, change the Parameter to replacement root node. Then set the Source to Session variable name. Hit commit, then go back down to that section and add list_current_asset_id for the session var name. Now, go back to your main blog asset listing, the one that you want to show the child comment count. Go to the type format for that asset listing, and nest your "child count" in that type format. Doing that will count the children and display how many comments are under each blog posting.

I know this is a complicated setup, but it is very powerful. Search for list_current_asset_id in the forums for more talk of that feature.




I am trying to link the Comment count that appears under each of my news item asset listing (bascially like a WP blog - lists the linked title of 'post', publish info and an excerpt/summary and read more link). Underneath I have the comments counted after following the information you have in this forum post
However, no matter what keyword I try, I cannot get the Comments count to link to the actual News Item - it just always links to the News blog asset listing page (the page that I'm already on - just like linking to a #)
If you understand what I mean - is there a way to link to the actual news item from the comment count that is nested into the news item asset listing page?
Wow, this just sounds so complex.
blog-listing-page.jpg (154 KB)

(Ryan Archer) #26

Sure, if you are listing comment assets, you can create a reply link on those comments. When you click that, just pass the id of that comment into your asset builder so that when you create the comment, it will be a child of that comment. Then in your layout just use come CSS and nested asset listings to do the layout.


Sorry to ask, but how do you "pass the id of the comment into the asset builder" ? I have had very limited experience with asset listing (so far) and this setup is quite a bit involved for me.

(Nic Hubbard) #27





I am trying to link the Comment count that appears under each of my news item asset listing (bascially like a WP blog - lists the linked title of 'post', publish info and an excerpt/summary and read more link). Underneath I have the comments counted after following the information you have in this forum post
However, no matter what keyword I try, I cannot get the Comments count to link to the actual News Item - it just always links to the News blog asset listing page (the page that I'm already on - just like linking to a #)
If you understand what I mean - is there a way to link to the actual news item from the comment count that is nested into the news item asset listing page?
Wow, this just sounds so complex.



So, clicking on the comments count, you want to do what?

(Nic Hubbard) #28


Sorry to ask, but how do you "pass the id of the comment into the asset builder" ? I have had very limited experience with asset listing (so far) and this setup is quite a bit involved for me.


Look at the Create Locations screen then scroll to the bottom to the dynamic parameters section. This is where you can set at GET var that will allow you to pass in the create location ID.

(Ryan Archer) #29


So, clicking on the comments count, you want to do what?


It will just be easier if I provide a link


On this page, I want the "Comments" link to go to the same location as where you go when you click on either the linked title or the "Read More..." link.

(Nic Hubbard) #30


It will just be easier if I provide a link


On this page, I want the "Comments" link to go to the same location as where you go when you click on either the linked title or the "Read More..." link.


Is that an internal link? Not working.


If you want the comments link to go to the new page, just construct your anchor tag around the nested content div:

<a href="%asset_url%">Comments 

— Nested div goes here that nests that asset listing that lists the count ----


(Ryan Archer) #31


Look at the Create Locations screen then scroll to the bottom to the dynamic parameters section. This is where you can set at GET var that will allow you to pass in the create location ID.


Ok so I have set a GET variable of 'comment_chain' within the asset builder for creating comments for news items - now how to I put that in a "Reply" hyperlink? Do I use Javascript or something. I really am looking for something step by step at my current level of understanding and knowledge, similar to what Squiz Documentation sometimes provides like this Related Asset Listings and Thesaurus

(Nic Hubbard) #32


Ok so I have set a GET variable of 'comment_chain' within the asset builder for creating comments for news items - now how to I put that in a "Reply" hyperlink? Do I use Javascript or something. I really am looking for something step by step at my current level of understanding and knowledge, similar to what Squiz Documentation sometimes provides like this Related Asset Listings and Thesaurus


Would you want to email me and we can go over this in more detail? Sometimes it is hard on the forums. nic at

(Ryan Archer) #33



Is that an internal link? Not working.


If you want the comments link to go to the new page, just construct your anchor tag around the nested content div:

<a href="%asset_url%">Comments 

— Nested div goes here that nests that asset listing that lists the count ----



Darn, I think it's behind a firewall, hence why it has subdomain of 'testing'

Lol, yeah I tried doing this with all the keywords in the book, like so:

<p style="background: rgb(237, 237, 237); padding: 5px; border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); border-image: none;"><a href="%asset_url%"><span style="font-family: webdings;">)</span> Comments: %asset_count%</a></p>

But as I am placing this code on the Bodycopy of the Blog Comments Count Asset Listing page, it will then just take me to the page for the Comments Asset listing of course which is not the actual news item. Is there some sort of a shortcode that can take a user to the particular news item which sits above the comment? blogs-and-comments.jpg (71.4 KB)

(Nic Hubbard) #34


Darn, I think it's behind a firewall, hence why it has subdomain of 'testing'

Lol, yeah I tried doing this with all the keywords in the book, like so:

<p style="background: rgb(237, 237, 237); padding: 5px; border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); border-image: none;"><a href="%asset_url%"><span style="font-family: webdings;">)</span> Comments: %asset_count%</a></p>

But as I am placing this code on the Bodycopy of the Blog Comments Count Asset Listing page, it will then just take me to the page for the Comments Asset listing of course which is not the actual news item. Is there some sort of a shortcode that can take a user to the particular news item which sits above the comment?


This is getting hard to understand without seeing how you have set it up. Shoot me an email, nic at and we can talk about this more.

(Ryan Archer) #35

but I can't seem to say "redirect to one page back from this comment asset". 


I'm having the same issue. On the asset builder's "created" bodycopy I have the following keyword replacement as default - %created_asset_url%
All well and good but I want the link to go to the parent asset being the News Item (comments are children of News Items)


Is there a keyword modifier to spit out a link which is the parent of the comment link (i.e. %created_asset_url<parent>%)

(Ravi) #36

Hi, the link you mentioned above, it’s not working now. Could you please correct the link?

I am also trying the same feature. it’s partially done now.

(Anthony Ponomarenko) #37

Hi Marin,

Which link are you referring to?

(Ravi) #38

The link is :

and I have created the new discussion about the creating the blog. here is the link below.

Comments + reply to comments - could you please look into this and let me know what you think? and any ideas?