Matrix Day London & Edinburgh

(Dave Letorey) #1

Following on from my talk, at the London & Edinburgh User Summits, on “What’s New in Matrix 5.4” we’ve decided to host a Matrix day (well probably half day) in our London Office on Monday 13 February & our Edinburgh Office on Thursday 2 March.

Rather than me just coming up with the agenda and what I think you’d like to hear/learn about I’d like to open it up to discussion, here, for what you’d like.

Don’t worry if you’re not going to be able to make it, we’ll be recording it to and post the videos so everyone can benefit.

Topics to think about are new features that were released in versions 5.3 & 5.4

I know that over the past year I’ve been asked a great deal about the Git File Bridge, for example.

So I’ll leave this over to you for the next few weeks to come up with suggestions about what I should cover.


(Kequi) #2

Hi Dave,

In no particular order:

  1. Automatic Cache Clearing (5.4) - SQUID?
  2. Remap rules (5.4)
  3. Content Container Templates (use cases) (5.3)
  4. Content variations and personas (5.4)
  5. Edit+ Manager (5.4)
  6. Javascript on REST assets and the use case for the new new server side javascript in 5.4 (Just an explanation of how this works - and how it differs to standard js)
  7. Why red hats rule…


(Dave Letorey) #3

London down, Edinburgh to come. Let me know if there’s anything that you’d like me to talk about.