I’ve given this a bit of thought recently, and I concluded that it’s not worth trying to use things like Asset Builder if you’re using any “component” style JS framework.
It’s not so much a dependency on jQuery, but the fact that things like Asset Builder do their own event listeners etc (page load and onsubmit, in the case of Asset Builder). You could probably make it work with Angular/React/etc/etc but I’d never be comfortable trying to combine parts of Matrix with their own frontend JS with a framework that controls the whole lifecycle. I hate having different flavours of JS fighting each other.
If I was writing something in Vue/Svelte/etc/etc I would use the JS_API to handle creation and editing of assets. It means you have to write your own UI, but it means you get to write your own UI and be sure you know what it’s doing.
(Asset Builder of course has functionality that JS_API doesn’t, like ignoring permissions for asset creation and all the dynamic create location logic. If I needed those things, I’d probably use an Asset Builder but not use the default UI at all - essentially reverse engineer the POST request that Asset Builder requires and generate the payload myself with whatever JS framework is hot that week).