Matrix Requirements Pear Duplication

(Nic Hubbard) #1

On the Matrix Requirements page, the following is listed twice on the PEAR list:


(Benjamin Pearson) #2

On the Matrix Requirements page, the following is listed twice on the PEAR list:



Does it mean it's really important? :lol:

(Nic Hubbard) #3

Also, under the Cron Setup: it seems to be missing a few things. I know that the bulk mail cron job needs to be added, right? Are there others missing?

(Benjamin Pearson) #4

Also, under the Cron Setup: it seems to be missing a few things. I know that the bulk mail cron job needs to be added, right? Are there others missing?


Yeah, there should be some documentation somewhere for the bulkmail script, but maybe not on this page since it is not needed for a beginning install. The only other script I can think of is the funnelback indexing script.

(Josh Sherwood) #5

Thanks. I've fixed those duplicates on the Requirements page.

In regards to the Bulkmail and Funnelback setup documentation:

As Ben said, we don't mentioned these in the installation guide because they are optional and package specific, so are more suited to these individual manuals.

(Nic Hubbard) #6

Thanks. I've fixed those duplicates on the Requirements page.

In regards to the Bulkmail and Funnelback setup documentation:

As Ben said, we don't mentioned these in the installation guide because they are optional and package specific, so are more suited to these individual manuals.


(Keith Brown) #7

Hi Folks,

…this thread has sparked a question. The docs say php 5.2.0+ does this include php 5.3.0+ I rememebr at one point 5.3.0 wouldn't work and there were bugs in the database marked 'update required for 5.3' or somesuch.

if not - is there a roadmap in place?


(Greg Sherwood) #8

The docs say php 5.2.0+ does this include php 5.3.0+


Yes, PHP 5.3 is fully supported since 4.0.0.

(Nic Hubbard) #9

…this thread has sparked a question. The docs say php 5.2.0+ does this include php 5.3.0+ I rememebr at one point 5.3.0 wouldn't work and there were bugs in the database marked 'update required for 5.3' or somesuch.


I am successfully using Maxtrix 4.6.1 with PHP 5.3.3 with no problems at all.

(Keith Brown) #10

Yes, PHP 5.3 is fully supported since 4.0.0.


great - thanks greg (cue - server upgrade)