Metadata listing woes


Hey Guys,

I'm just trying to simply list some meta values in an asset listing that nests into a paint layout. 


I simply want an asset list to display the meta value  attached  to the asset ( standard page)



<li>%asset_metadata_Project_Themes_value% </li>



I have metadata value set with the asset types to list and there is no love.


can any one assist with what simple thing I am missing?

(Nic Hubbard) #2

What kind of metadata field is this? And are you making sure to use the case sensitive name for the field?


hey Nic,

Thanks for the reply. I just have a list of  themes for a project i'm completing that I wish to display on the front end. Just to make it easier for EES+ users to select the value via the meta data.


I actually does list the  values for me on the page - however I can't get it to display the values - just for the asset it's on.


I've done it all wrong haven't I!

(Tom Chadwin) #4

Do you mean it is only displaying the metadata value for the current page, rather than the listed assets? If so, have you tried %list_current_asset_id% as your replacement root node?


Hey Tom,


It's listing  the metadata value specified for all the children assets. The asset listing is nested into he paint layout applied to the standard page.


I have a number of projects with specific themes and I only want to display the values applied to the child asset in particular. 


I had current_assed_id as the replacement node - initially and it displayed nothing.

(Nic Hubbard) #6

I guess we are still not following you. What exactly is not working?


hey Nic,


Sorry I am terrible at explaining this.

I have a  meta schema that i have applied to some project assets.

I have a text field, select and WYSWIG.

The have field names of

  1. Project_Team
  2. Project_Themes
  3. Project_Detail

The Project_Themes is displayed in a  select in the metadata - so users can select multiple themes.


I'm then using my paint layout and a asset listing trying to list the themes - however I get all the themes from all the projects - when I also want to display the themes of the current project. ( with each option selection together on one line)


I thought I would be able to asset list the values.


instead I get is like this


<h2> Project Themes</h2>

<ul> <li>theme1:theme2:theme3:</li>






when I want just one listed - with all the options that the user selected via the metadata







(Bart Banda) #8

What is each <li> meant to represent? A child standard page of a project page? 


I'm then using my paint layout and a asset listing trying to list the themes - however I get all the themes from all the projects - when I also want to display the themes of the current project. ( with each option selection together on one line)


What exactly is a "theme"? Is it a child asset? 


Or are you just wanting to display the metadata select values the user has selected on the current page in an UL list?


hey Bart,

sorry just forget I ever mentioned the word theme - there theme is just ( what I have called the metadata field - it's the name I have given it specifically)

It was just easier for  the user to identify  it in the metadata as the content they are wanting to display is actually their project themes.  I just wanted to classify them. so really it it just content. Sorry for the confusion!



but yes - long story sort


you are right I just wanted to display the metadata select values ( of the current page) simply in a UL list.


At the moment I get all the assets of the node defined - rather than the current page. The values display - but they display in just one list item - rather than defining each item on each list item.

(Bart Banda) #10

Right, sounds like you are after the globals version of the keyword:






Can you try that and report back on what you get?


hey Bart,


Thanks heaps - I did try globals at one point.


It did pull up the correct details for one of the assets - however it still displayed all the values  in one list item - and it also repeated the values


like so



<li>Creative Industries; Communication; Design; Visual Art </li>

<li>Creative Industries; Communication; Design; Visual Art </li>




There were no results for the other children defined in the same root node.


I have tried listing a standard-page and meta value, with parameters of the current asset.

(Bart Banda) #12

You can try to separate them into list items using a modifier like so:


If you also want to list each current listed asset's metadata, you would just add that to it. 


But do you want to print the current page's themes with each listed asset or just once at the top?


hey Bart!


I must admit I am not really over modifiers so I am really a newbie there - but that worked a treat with displaying each item ( theme) in it's own list item.


I worked out where it is repeating the results. If the asset accessed has children there will be results and it repeats it for the children ( so in my case 2 children - two results. If the others have no children - then there is no results at all.


Buts thats still getting closer - and I am heaps further than what I was with your help. and I have learnt something.



<h2> Themes meta experiment </h2> <ul>
<li>Creative Industries</li><li> Communication</li><li> Design</li><li> Visual Art</li>
<li>Creative Industries</li><li> Communication</li><li> Design</li><li> Visual Art</li>



slapping myself with a fish - officially!  with your help Bart and the keyword  modifier it clicked I was trying to complicate it with an asset listing still nested into the paint layout.


it's working like a treat!