hey Nic,
Sorry I am terrible at explaining this.
I have a meta schema that i have applied to some project assets.
I have a text field, select and WYSWIG.
The have field names of
- Project_Team
- Project_Themes
- Project_Detail
The Project_Themes is displayed in a select in the metadata - so users can select multiple themes.
I'm then using my paint layout and a asset listing trying to list the themes - however I get all the themes from all the projects - when I also want to display the themes of the current project. ( with each option selection together on one line)
I thought I would be able to asset list the values.
instead I get is like this
<h2> Project Themes</h2>
<ul> <li>theme1:theme2:theme3:</li>
when I want just one listed - with all the options that the user selected via the metadata