Metadata value lost when the associated schema moved


Matrix Version: v6.33

Hi all, I have observed the following recently when I was tidying up our metadata schemas. I moved a metadata schema to another folder in the asset tree. This is a schema that is not applied site wide but to a group of assets for labelling purposes. I use Search Page asset to display those assets.

I noticed that after I moved the schema, those assets lose all the metadata value on the frontend. When I went to the metadata screen, the values are still there. Edit and then Save the metadata (without making any changes) brought back the metadata value on the frontend.

Has anyone experienced something like this? I want to know if this is a known issue. Thanks.

Regenerate metadata files in Matrix 6
(David Schoen) #2

That’s not expected behaviour and I can’t reproduce that in 6.35.0. If you can reproduce, can you either write up the steps to induce it here or put in a support request if there’s any sensitive data in it?


Thanks for looking into that @dschoen. I tried to reproduce it after I wrote my question but unfortunately I can’t.

For my future reference, I want to know if any of the following operation might cause (or put me at risk of) loosing metadata value:

  1. Moving the metadata schema to another location in assets tree (you confirmed it should be fine)
  2. Moving one or more sections of schema A to schema B (where both A and B have been applied to assets). Then potentially delete schema A.
  3. Renaming schema asset name (I’ve done this few times and I am pretty certain this doesn’t cause any issues)


(David Schoen) #4

None of those should lose any field values.

Moving one or more sections of schema A to schema B (where both A and B have been applied to assets). Then potentially delete schema A.

Should be fine. We’ve actually been testing a potential shift in the way best practice handles some scenarios that will depend on this kind of thing changing regularly and as long as the field is always somewhere on at least one schema applied to the asset it shouldn’t lose the value.


Thanks @dschoen. It’s good to know that.