Need a CLI version of PHP?

(Avi Miller) #1

If you're installing MySource Matrix with the Squiz Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, you may have noticed that the version of PHP that ships by default doesn't include a CLI version.

Here's a known-good PHP configure line for RHEL3 (or any other distro, for that matter), which creates a new version of PHP in /usr/local/php-cli specifically for the Squiz Server and other command-line PHP scripts.

    './configure' \
    '--prefix=/usr/local/php-cli' \
    '--enable-inline-optimization' \
    '--with-xml' \
    '--enable-bcmath' \
    '--with-openssl' \
    '--with-zlib=/usr' \
    '--enable-wddx' \
    '--enable-ftp' \
    '--disable-cgi' \
    '--enable-pcntl' \
    '--enable-memory-limit' \
    '--with-curl=/usr' \
    '--with-gettext' \
    '--enable-sockets' \
    '--with-pspell=shared,/usr' \
    '--with-pgsql=shared' \
    '--enable-mbstring=all' \
    '--with-pear' \

Notes: You may need to replace
if you are using MySQL instead of PostgreSQL.

(44 J) #2

I'm not able to get this working as described.

When I tried to run step 2, I got:

[quote]/usr/local/php-cli/bin/php install/step_02.php .


| MySource Error                              |


| DB Error: connect failed                    |


So, I did a basic test:

[quote]/usr/local/php-cli/bin/php ./mysql.php

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in /home/webadmin/ on line 2[/quote]

I'm trying to get the cli compilation to work with a simple mysql_connect() function, to see whether mysql functionality is there. It's not.

These are the compile options I am using for the CLI:

[quote]'./configure' \

'–prefix=/usr/local/php-cli' \

'–enable-inline-optimization' \

'–with-xml' \

'–enable-bcmath' \

'–with-openssl' \

'–with-zlib=/usr' \

'–enable-wddx' \

'–enable-ftp' \

'–disable-cgi' \

'–enable-pcntl' \

'–enable-memory-limit' \

'–with-curl=/usr' \

'–with-gettext' \

'–enable-sockets' \

'–with-pspell=shared,/usr' \

'–with-mysql=shared,/usr' \

'–enable-mbstring=all' \

'–with-pear' \


I'm a little at a loss as to why CLI mysql would not be available, as this the same configuration used on the non-CLI version.

Thoughts? I know this is outside the scope of basic installation, but I'd like to get it solved and I'm sure getting it solved will provide benefit to future customers.


(Avi Miller) #3

First version erased because I didn't read properly.

Its failing to find the PEAR DB modules. You need to create a php.ini file in /usr/local/php-cli/lib which has the location of the CLI-version of PEAR (/usr/local/php-cli/lib/php) configured in the include_path parameter.

(J) #4

Avi -

Actually, I didn't do that, but I was able to get it to install (with warnings though) after upgrading mysql to 4.x on my machine. Apparently (another thread) the 3.23 version I had on my machine was too ancient to work. :wink:

Thanks for the tip though!


(Avi Miller) #5

Handy hint:

To make working with the CLI version of PHP easier, I create a symlink from /usr/bin/php-cli to /usr/local/php-cli/bin/php. Then I can reference php-cli anywhere. :slight_smile:

(Chris Mysourcematrix) #6

The CLI will still fail if you have mysql 3.23.58 with InnoDB support at

php step_02.php .

DB Error: syntax error

SET table_type=innodb [nativecode=1064 ** You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'table_type=innodb' at line 1]

I'm pretty sure that mysql 3.23.x syntax is


rather than




(Chmouel Boudjnah) #7

Just FYI on the subject there is now rpm package of php-cli for RHEL4 that's do have a php-cli command. if scripts rely on it you can mv php to php-cgi and ln php-cli to php. The better would be to fix the scripts thought

(Matt Webster) #8

Just FYI on the subject there is now rpm package of php-cli for RHEL4 that's do have a php-cli command. if scripts rely on it you can mv php to php-cgi and ln php-cli to php. The better would be to fix the scripts thought


Is this still the case with RHEL5? do we still need to compile PHP-CLI

(Benjamin Pearson) #9

Is this still the case with RHEL5? do we still need to compile PHP-CLI


I guess so, there are RPMs for PHP-CLI for other distros. I assume RHEL5 would have a similar standard. Source: RPM find

(Peter Sheppard) #10

Is this still the case with RHEL5? do we still need to compile PHP-CLI


There's an RPM for it as part of the standard distribution.

You just run "php" on the command line now though, not "php-cli".

(Matt Webster) #11

Cheers good to see RHEL caught up with providing a cli version of php aswell :slight_smile: