Nesting asset list via keywords with session variable: list_current_asset_id


I’m using an asset listing to count remote child assets which uses the session variable: list_current_asset_id.

This suits my purposes well when nesting via a traditional ‘Nest Content’ container type within the asset’s contents where needed.

My question is - how would I nest this assist listing via the %globals_asset_contents:xx% keyword with the session var intact? There are some instances where I need to include this listing amongst code blocks where additional containers make it a bit clunky.

Cheers for any help or guidance.

(Bart Banda) #2

So %globals_asset_contents:xx% is basically your asset listing and you want to pass a dynamic root node to it?

Something like %globals_asset_contents_raw:xxx^with_get:root=1234% ?


Thanks Bart, That’s pretty much it but my goal is to have the get value to be dynamic.

My example is using this counter within a news carousel (asset listing) which displays the number of comments below an article listed in the carousel.

(Bart Banda) #4

Is the dynamic root node value going to be sourced from the frontend asset you are viewing on the frontend?

If so, you should be able to just use %globals_asset_contents_raw:xxx% and on the dynamic parameters of the asset listing use Set Value and %frontend_asset_assetid% as the root node value. Or change assetid to metadata if it’s coming from there.

Does that work?


No not really. I’m trying to utilise asset IDs printed within an asset listing as the root nodes. My counter sits within the default format of this listing.

I gave the above a shot anyways (via global keywords + nesting), but as expected no dice.

(Bart Banda) #6

Have you tried using SSJS?

Using something like:

<script runat="server">
print('%'+ 'globals_asset_contents_raw:1234^with_get:assetsToList=' + '%whatever_keyword_you_want%' + '%');


Thank you Bart! SSJS works like a charm :thumbsup: