New Send SMS trigger action

(Talk) #1

I've put together a new trigger action to send SMS messages using the Nexmo API. I think this could be handy for some, but I'm not confident that the trigger action is written to Squiz standards.


I see this being handy for important alerts, marketing, and verification methods.


Adding it to your system is easy, just paste the folder in trigger actions and run step_03.php. Any field on the trigger action can handle keywords.


The really cool part is that you can send messages from any number or name.


Try the new Squiz Matrix send SMS trigger action (copies, working demo, and instructions all available from that link). preview (1).png (17.1 KB)

(Bart Banda) #2

This is pretty cool, you should submit it to Squiz Labs and see if can't get added to the standard Matrix release. Nice work! :)

(Talk) #3

Thanks! I'd be super keen to see this included in the CMS. At the moment all it can do is send messages (and so far it works great!). Using a callback URL also lets you use a trigger to build receipt logs as well which is pretty handy. I've managed to get the Nexmo API to tell the system which user sent a message, and based on their privileges, it'll only them them send X amount per day.


The Nexmo API can do so much more, like receive messages and send MMS messages. The good part is that the PHP to make it work is all available and gives me enough source to rewrite it for Matrix.


I think there's potential here for two trigger actions and a trigger event: Send SMS, Send MMS, and SMS received (though this event might require a callback Asset like the Paypal IPN asset).