With Debian 7.1 Wheezy now release (the first update to Wheezy), I wonder what the status is for supporting PHP 5.4, now default in Wheezy. We upgraded to Wheezy a while back when we were having some issues, but I had to pin PHP to 5.3 because it wasn't supported yet.
Php 5.4
(Ashish Karelia)
We are in process of making Matrix work with PHP 5.4. I is difficult to give an exact time frame as to when this will be ready but we are actively looking into any PHP 5.4 bugs that would be reported. There are other post here which talks about the issues with Matrix and PHP 5.4 which have been noted down and actively been worked on.
(Ashish Karelia)
Has there been any progress on making Matrix PHP 5.4 safe?
With respect to issue #6387 Fixing few obvious issues with matrix for PHP 5.4, Matrix has been made compatible with PHP 5.4.
Squiz Labs would actively look into any issue reported for 5.4.