Recurring event cancellation not working

(Awilliams) #1

Matrix Version:
Hi all, I have an instance of a recurring event that falls on Christmas day and I have created an event cancellation and set it live, but it still shows on the calendar events search page with a link to the instance. The events are populated using various metadata fields (as is the events listing) When I click on the link it shows an event with no date but with the metdata fields completed as in the original event but no indication of a cancellation. Is there some kind of keyword I can use for this?

I tried filling out the description field for the event cancellation and added the keyword %asset_attribute_description% to the recurring event format under ‘type formats’ but that didn’t seem to do anything.

Does anyone know how I can resolve this problem?



(Bart Banda) #2

I did some quick research, and it turns out the events search page doesn’t actually support Recurring Event Cancellation, as in, it doesn’t take those into account.

To get around it, maybe you could nest in another asset listing into the calendar search page type format and list any cancellation event assets and then even though it turns up in the search, you could have a note saying that the event is cancelled for that day?

(Awilliams) #3

Thanks Bart, that’s a shame as it means the entire event cancellation option is wasted on a search page. I worked around it by restarting the event date from the first instance after Christmas, not ideal, but simple. I’ll do the nested asset listing for any other events where it might not be so easy for me to do this.

(Bart Banda) #4

Yea, unfortunately (and strangely enough) the event cancellation feature was never taken into consideration when the calendar search page was developed many years ago. We do have it in our roadmap to support eventually, but apparently it’s not quite straight forward so it hasn’t got the biggest priority set for it, but we will eventually add support for it.