If I am using the REST Resource Javascript asset, is there a time limitation in which my script can run? I just don’t want the server to kill the processing.
REST Resource Javascript execution limit
You mean your server side JavaScript processing on that asset? I’m sure there is a limit, I’m guessing it would be based on the PHP memory limit?
What are you trying to do?
I am trying to build out a REST Resource Javascript asset that creates about 300 assets, then on the next run will update those asses Metadata.
Oh wow, quite heavy. I assume you are using the REST asset to call the JS API to create them in batch?
Or are you using a trigger of some sorts?
Might be better to create a custom script for that?
I have no idea how long that would take for the REST asset to achieve and if it would time out, depends on how you do it I guess. Have you tried to see how many it can create before it times out?
Yeah, I have not completed the full implementation yet, so not sure how it will go.
I did write a server side script for this, but the client wasn’t able to use it because their site is hosted with Squiz.