REST Resource OAuth Session won't redirect

(Nic Hubbard) #1

I am having trouble getting the REST Resource OAuth Session asset to redirect to Twitter (or anything). Previewing the asset gives me nothing, no redirect. It has a blank design applied with a body design area.


I have gotten this asset to work in the past on two other websites, but for some reason this just isn't working this time.


What have I missed?

(Nick Papadatos) #2

Hi Nic

For what's it worth I had a similar problem - in the end I had to get support form squiz to go through the steps above on my behalf which worked. I believe it had something to do with our network blocking me but not entirely sure...

(Nic Hubbard) #3

Well the strange thing is, I have gotten it to work before. And I went back to those two instances, and they wouldn't work either!

(Tom Chadwin) #4

Which makes it sound like it could be a change in your broader network config blocking you now.

REST Resource OAuth Session not redirecting to Twitter