Return HTML from SOAP action


Hi all,

I’m trying to return HTML from a web service via a custom form SOAP action.

When I print the SOAP session keyword it prints the response from the web service as a string but also prints the markup within the string.

“Lorem Ipsum <strong>Dolor</strong> Simet.”

I want it to do this:
“Lorem Ipsum Dolor Simet.”

Does anyone have any suggestion on how can I accomplish this?

Thanks in advance.

(Bart Banda) #2

Sounds like you need to use ^unescapehtml modifier on the keyword that prints the HTML so that it doesn’t escape the HTML tags.


Hi Bart, thanks for the reply, I’ve tried your suggestion but that didn’t seem to have any affect.

I think if we can get a result with my XML post (Custom form SOAP Action response XML) this would be more beneficial as I can format the keywords.



This is now working, no idea why it just started to work but hey ho, I’ve got the result I was looking for.

Thanks for the assistance.