Thanks for the reply! I did end up going with the filtering option, since I don’t have too much data to deal with.
I thought I’d write down what I did, in case anyone is looking at doing something similar, this could help as a starting point. It’s a bit rough for now but it does seem to work…
Create a metadata scheme containing all the fields you want to be able to search
Create a data record for each entry, and apply the metadata schema to it
Create an asset listing page which lists all the data records, putting the metadata inside data-* attributes
(I sorted this asset listing by price, ascending. Later on it might be nice to have dynamic sorting)
S$%asset_metadata_price% monthly rent per bed
%asset_metadata_sharing% bed%asset_metadata_sharing^gt:1:s% per room %begin_asset_metadata_ensuite% | Ensuite%end_asset_metadata_ensuite% | %asset_metadata_distance% mins travel time
Learn more about this hostel...
Create a form for the search portion of the page:
<form id="accommodation-search">
<label for="min">Min Price (S$)</label><input min="0" type="number" value="0" name="min" id="min" />
<label for="min">Max Price (S$)</label><br/><input min="0" type="number" value="1600" name="max" id="max" />
<label for="distance">Max travel time (by public transport)</label>
<select name="distance" id="distance">
<option value="30">30 minutes</option>
<option value="45">45 minutes</option>
<option value="60" selected>1 hour</option>
<h4>Room Type</h4>
<li><label><input type="checkbox" value="1" name="sharing" checked> Single Room</label></li>
<li><label><input type="checkbox" value="2" name="sharing" checked> Twin Sharing</label></li>
<li><label><input type="checkbox" value="3" name="sharing" checked> Triple Sharing</label></li>
<li><label><input type="checkbox" value="4" name="sharing" checked> Quad Sharing</label></li>
<label><input type="checkbox" name="ensuite" id="ensuite" /> Ensuite</label>
<p id="matches"></p>
Show/hide the rooms based on whether or not they match the selected criteria. The update function runs when the input changes or a keyup event is fired in one of the inputs.
$('#accommodation-search input').change(update);
$('#accommodation-search select').change(update);
$('#accommodation-search input').keyup(update);
var matches;
function update(){
if ($("input[name='sharing']:checked").length>0) {
var sharing = $("input[name='sharing']:checked").map(function(i,x){return x.value});
} else {
var sharing = false;
var min = $('#min').val();
var max = $('#max').val();
var distance = $('#distance option:selected').val();
var ensuite = $('#ensuite').prop('checked');
matches = 0;
var match = true;
if(!match){$(d).hide()}else{$(d).show(); matches++;};
$('#matches').text('No matches found. Try broadening your search.');
} else if (matches==1){
$('#matches').text('1 match found');
} else {
$('#matches').text(matches + ' matches found');