Search Log Report - pls return complete search term?

(James Baster) #1

In Squiz matrix v5.1, we have just enabled the "Search Log Report".


However our report seems to show the individual search words rather than complete search string used.


eg, Apparently, X number of people searched for "anti". Also, X searched for "social". And also, X searched for "behaviour". I suspect what really happened is X number of people searched for "anti social behaviour".


Is there a way we can get the actual search terms used?

(Bart Banda) #2

Hmm, don't think so. That search log is very limited in it's report type. You probably would get better stats from something like Funnelback or Google Analytics. 

(Tim Davison) #3

+1 to Bart’s advice to use google analytics. We use funnelback enterprise which has decent reporting but I supplement it with google analytics as well. Writing your own custom events you can get a lot of targeted detail.

(James Baster) #4



We are actually in the process of migrating to FunnelBack and wanted to give it a good test informed by some real data first - Google Analytics should come through for us.