Something Wrong with Menu Normal Design Area

(Sang) #1

**Matrix Version: v **

In Design Parse file, I was using

<MySource_AREA id_name="menu" design_area="menu_normal">
<MySource_SET name="level" value="top"/>
<MySource_SET name="show_subs" value="always"/>
<MySource_SET name="settings.class.normal" value=" class='aaa'" />
<MySource_SET name="settings.class.current" value=" class='aaa current'" />
<MySource_SET name="settings.class.hierarchy" value=" class='aaa current'" />  
<li<MySource_PRINT var="settings.class"/>><a><MySource_PRINT var="asset_name" /></a></li>
</MySource_AREA>      <li<MySource_PRINT var="settings.class"/>><a><MySource_PRINT var="asset_name" />

but in html result comes out with

<li class="\'aaa\'">

So I fixed this as

 <li class="<MySource_PRINT var="settings.class"/>"><a><MySource_PRINT var="asset_name" /></a>
 <MySource_SET name="settings.class.normal" value="toplevel" />

But still cannot get it why the first code is not working. From the manaul(, it also tells exactly same way.

(Bart Banda) #2

I think that manual needs updating. The other way you have done it is correct. I’ll get the manual updated.