Matrix Version: 5.4.2
I need to sort an asset listing by the total of two metadata values. They’re accommodation contract options, and each asset has a metadata value for room rate and another for meal package rate (text fields). Originally, the total only needed to be printed on the front end, so I’ve use the following keyword replacement in the type format to display the total on the front end: %asset_metadata_Room_rate^add:{asset_metadata_Meal_rate^number_format:2%
I now have an additional requirement to sort a listing by this total, but the total doesn’t actually exist as an asset attribute. I’ve added a “total” metadata field and attempted to automatically populate this with the keyword replacements in a few different formats as the default value, but that doesn’t seem to work. Is there an easy way to do this, without my having to manually populate this new field with the calculated value?