We have staff profile pages where the staff ID is passed through a GET parameter and runs a database query to present all the information. So we have a single asset listing for all staff pages. Can anyone think of a way to dynamically set the content of the <title></title> tags for SEO purposes (without having to pass values in the URL).
Title tags in data source asset listing
The title will come from the database query?
Yep. So I'll pass 672 in the URL and I want to be able to put "Staff Profile For Paul Hollands" in my title tags
How does your design print the title at the moment?
Could you change to use a paint layout for printing the title tag?
How does your design print the title at the moment?
Could you change to use a paint layout for printing the title tag?
Hi Aleks
The title tags are in the design parse file. I can include information in there using keywords and even nest content. What I can't do is pass the parameters through to the nested asset.
The only alternative I can think of is to have a separate pared down design and add the title into the paint layout or the asset contents itself. This rather defeats the point of having the common design in the parse file however.
This is what I have currently:
%globals_site_name% ~ %globals_asset_short_name% ~ %globals_get_fn^base64decode% %globals_get_ln^base64decode% %globals_site_name% ~ %globals_asset_short_name%
Did anyone ever get back to you in the past decade? I’m also attempting this.
I am showing data source records via an asset listing and I cannot seem to use any data source keywords in the design file or paint layout. Is this possible?
I need to show one of these data source fields as the page title and heading.