Tutorial: Creating Asset /Problem

(Valeri Nikitin) #1

hi Guys,

Just tried to run through this tutorial, and I got to the part where you install the package, but i get this error:



| PHP Notice |


| Only variables should be assigned by reference |



| MySource Warning |


| XML_Parser: xml declaration not at start of external entity at XML input line 3:0In File:./packages/cms/better_user/asset.xml |


My asset.xml looks like this:

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
    <?xml-stylesheet href="../../asset.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
    		Better User
    		A Simple asset to retrieve more information about a user

Anyone know where I went wrong?

(Avi Miller) #2

The error suggests you may be using PHP5 (at least for the CLI binary). You need to ensure you're only using PHP4.

(Valeri Nikitin) #3

Reckons its 4:

PHP 4.4.7 (cli) (built: Oct 12 2007 10:54:58)

Copyright © 1997-2007 The PHP Group

Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright © 1998-2004 Zend Technologies

(Avi Miller) #4

Can you enable all the Debug Settings on the System Configuration screen (or set SQ_CONF_DEBUG to 7 in main.inc) and re-run so that we can see which file/line number is generating the error?

(Huan Nguyen) #5

the only possible problem is the single quotation mark and UTF in uppercase used in the first line, I have exactly the same file on my system and it works just fine, except my first line is.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

(Loggedon Menard) #6

when i execute the command php install/step_03.php . --package=cms






Installing package_manager_cms:


0 => listing_engine

1 => cron_job_manage_pending_accounts

2 => form

3 => form_section

4 => form_submission

5 => form_email

6 => better_user


| PHP Warning |


| File : /home/websites/mm3161/core/include/asset_management.inc |

| Line : 133 |


| update(./packages/cms/better_user/better_user_edit_fns.inc): failed to open stream: No such file or directory |


is this ok? or what?

(Avi Miller) #7

No, this is an error. Does that file exist?