Upgrade failed, cannot copy lib files

(Nic Hubbard) #1

We were just working on doing an upgrade to the newest Matrix version. We have a custom package called puc that I wrote to hold a few of our custom assets. One of the assets has some lib files, which I thought would be moved over automatically. The strange thing is, if we run step_03.php by itself, it complete fine and there is no error, but if we run the upgrade script, and IT runs step_03.php then we get this error:

    Installing Package_Manager_PUC:                                                                     
    0 => content_type_fck_editor                                                                        
    | PHP Warning                                                                                       
    | File : [SYSTEM_ROOT]/fudge/general/file_system.inc                                                
    | Line : 469                                                                                        
    | copy([SYSTEM_ROOT]/packages/puc/content_type_fck_editor/[SYSTEM_ROOT]/packages/puc/content_type_fc
    k_editor/lib/fckeditor/fckstyles.xml): failed to open stream: No such file or directory |           
    *ERROR* '/usr/bin/php' '/opt/matrix/install/step_03.php' '/opt/matrix' returned error code 1
                                                            [ Error ]

Here is what I have in my package manager file:

    require_once SQ_INCLUDE_PATH.'/package_manager.inc';
* Package_Manager_PUC
* Purpose
*    Manages the install and upgrade of the PUC package and PUC assets,
*    uses info gleened from the package.xml and asset.xml files
* @version $Revision: $
* @package MySource_Matrix_Packages
* @subpackage puc
class Package_Manager_PUC extends Package_Manager

	* Constructor
	function Package_Manager_PUC()
			$this->_full_path = SQ_PACKAGES_PATH.'/puc';

			// Copy over the extra files that we need
			$path = SQ_LIB_PATH.'/puc_files';
			if (!is_dir($path)) {

			// Check on clearbox
			$create_path = $path.'/clearbox';
			$full_path = SQ_PACKAGES_PATH.'/puc/';
			if (!is_dir($create_path) && is_dir($path)) {
				$this->recurse_copy($full_path.'lib/clearbox', $create_path);

	}//end constructor	
	* Recursivly copy a directory and contents
	function recurse_copy($src,$dst) { 
		$dir = opendir($src); 
		while(false !== ( $file = readdir($dir)) ) { 
			if (( $file != '.' ) && ( $file != '..' )) { 
				if ( is_dir($src . '/' . $file) ) { 
					$this->recurse_copy($src . '/' . $file,$dst . '/' . $file); 
				else { 
					copy($src . '/' . $file,$dst . '/' . $file); 
}//end class</pre><br />

Ideas why it would have errors only when using the upgrade scripts?

(Edison Wang) #2

The error you get doesn't look like it's related to the code in package manager file you showed me.

my reasons are:

  • "File : [SYSTEM_ROOT]/fudge/general/file_system.inc line 469" error is throw from a Matrix function copy_file, which is not used in your package manager code
  • The installation step shows you are on content_type_fck_editor sub step, which is after installing package manager

    I would think the error you get is from installing the content_type_fck_editor, probably you can put a var_dump(get_backtrace()) in the copy_file function, so you will get a back trace of what's happening.

(Nic Hubbard) #3

The error you get doesn't look like it's related to the code in package manager file you showed me.

my reasons are:

  • "File : [SYSTEM_ROOT]/fudge/general/file_system.inc line 469" error is throw from a Matrix function copy_file, which is not used in your package manager code
  • The installation step shows you are on content_type_fck_editor sub step, which is after installing package manager

    I would think the error you get is from installing the content_type_fck_editor, probably you can put a var_dump(get_backtrace()) in the copy_file function, so you will get a back trace of what's happening.


    Thanks, I ended up just manually putting in the package after the install finished.