I'm trying to generate iCal subscriptions - an asset lister for calendar events has a bare-bones design that delivers a text/calendar MIME type (as in http://matrixusers.com/tutorials/output-content-to-a-file)
However, the downloaded source has white space in front of the initial text of the listing, which causes Google calendars to reject the file:
BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//iCal title//NONSGML v1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140309 DTEND:20140314 SUMMARY: Protein Transport Across Cell Membranes LOCATION:Galveston, TX, United States END:VEVENT
Rather similar to the discussion about blank space in front of a <DOCTYPE> tag (http://forums.squizsuite.net/index.php?showtopic=9759), but in this case my design has no <SHOW_IF> or other complex content:
<MySource_PRINT id_name="__global__" var="content_type" content_type="text/calendar" /><MySource_AREA id_name="body" design_area="body" />
Any thoughts/suggestions?
Thanks in advance