Who has the best Matrix forms?

(Evan Wills) #21

Hi Bart

With the advent of GDPR it would be good if there was a feature to auto-delete (not archive) submissions after a given time.

This would also help keeping long running forms manageable. We have forms that are 12 years old and have more than 100k submissions.

Having submissions delete after a couple of years would keep those logs small(ish)

(Bart Banda) #22

Thanks Evan, yep, we’ve already got that on our backlog to implement some time later this year. :slight_smile:

(Tbaatar) #23

Hey Bart,

Are there any plans to stop the asset id incrementing when submissions is turned off?


(Bart Banda) #24

“Are there any plans to stop the asset id incrementing when submissions is turned off?”

Yes. :slight_smile:

(Evan Wills) #25

Great news on the templating. Form layout is our biggest pain at the moment.
Validation is also not intuitive as it could be.

On the templating front.

The other thing we do at ACU is show/hide form fields/fieldsets based on validation. It would be great if this sort of functionality could be included in the form templating infrastructure.

(Evan Wills) #26

Sorry for the slow update “Tomorrow” turned out to be six months later. (Took a while to get approval)

See https://github.com/evanwills/form-show-hide for the generator and show/hide functionality.