%workflow_user% when used with Trigger - workflow rejected event

(Tim Davison) #1

Matrix Version: v5.4.1.3

Have an issue where I’m using a Trigger combined with the ‘After Workflow Rejection’ event, want to send an email to certain people (not the person that submitted) that the asset has been rejected

Everything working fine except in the email the keyword %workflow_user% is not resolving. It’s just displaying, literally, ‘%workflow_user%’.

I reasoned that since it was after the rejection the asset may no longer be in workflow. Instead I tried to use %asset_status_changed_by_name%, thinking that rejecting changes the status, so the person who did the rejecting would show up. Instead, it showed up the user that applied for approval, not the rejector.

Little bit stumped. Is there anyway to get the user that rejected from this event in the triggers? The keyword works fine in the workflow emails, but not in the trigger ones.


(Bart Banda) #2

The keyword doesnt work in the trigger since it’s a specific Workflow asset keyword.

Could you not just use %globals_user_attribute_first_name% in the trigger email? As that should use the active user that fired the trigger which will be the one who rejects the workflow.