Hi all,
The Logs functionality in matrix seems a bit light on when it comes to tracking what has happened to an asset over time.
Examples: If one of my Sys Admins makes an edit to a live page, where can I see a record of that action? If one of our publishers put something in Safe Edit and then three different publishers make edits to it before it goes back live, where can I see this in the logs?
Assuming that the logs cannot provide this sort of valuable info, I assume the only way we can capture this is by appending content to a (non-user-editable) metadata field using triggers.
Has anyone done something like this, or are there any other ideas for capturing a more readable, accessible, complete asset history?
We are on v4.18.2 and do not have rollback turned on (were warned against it due to the size of our DB - 500,000 assets and counting...)