Adding a list of contributors/authors to an article

(Nick Papadatos) #1

MatrixVersion 5.3
Has anyone been able to add a list of contributors/authors or something similar to an article?

The idea is having a related metadata asset field (max 5) so that users can keep adding to a list of contributors/authors (standard pages) to that article. Seems straight forward enough but it keeps returning all contributors.

(Bart Banda) #2

Yea I would use a related metadata field with multiple asset selections and print that value on the front end, perhaps using an asset listing where the metadata value is the dynamic root node.

(Nick Papadatos) #3

Thanks Bart, yes, I’m at that point where my asset listing has a dynamic root node “set value” to my related metadata field and printed the value to the front end. I’m trying not to nest the asset listing to each page but I do have a paint layout - is that where I nest the asset listing and do I add further parameters there?

(Nick Papadatos) #4

All good, changed my dynamic root node to Current Asset > asseid that worked adding a list of authors/contributors.

One further question: using current asset assetid doesn’t allow for multiple locations is that correct? You can only have 1 rootnode?

(Bart Banda) #5

Good stuff.

Correct. If you want to list individual assets from an array (which is what the related metadata field gives you if you have multiple asset selections enabled) then you can choose “Array of specific asset IDs or selection group” as the dynamic parameter instead.

(Nick Papadatos) #6

Cool, thank you for your quick reply. I did try that but nothing returned. I have a max 6 (multiple asset selections enabled)
parameter set to: Array of specific asset IDs or selection group (specified assets must be children of the static related node) and left Set Value to asset ID. I then selected individual assets but no cigar. I can see the ID’s being printed to the front end - have I missed something?

(Bart Banda) #7

The set value source should probably be the asset’s metadata related field right? So something like %globals_asset_metadata_relatedfieldname%

Because you want to pass in the asset IDs set in the metadata field as assets to list to the asset listing.

(Nick Papadatos) #8

Boom! That worked, thank you Bart