Archive or deactivate users

(Manjeet) #1


Squiz Matrix doesn’t provide ability to archive or deactivate users after a particular date.
This has to be done manually.

When we hire a contractor for 6 months, there is no ability to set a date where user status becomes Archived automatically after 6 months.

Would be great if this can be built in Matrix.


(David Schoen) #2

All assets have “Add future status” on the details screen.

To configure a specific user to be archived after 6 months, add a future status on that particular user with a status of “Archived”.

Automation can be achieved with triggers e.g .

(Manjeet) #3

Thanks @dschoen That’s a feasible solution.

But would be great if there is one date field only specific to assets of user type, where we only need to set future date for archiving and rest of the background job (triggers etc) is done by Matrix.

(David Schoen) #4

Hi @manjeetkaur, I don’t think I understand what you want, maybe you could do a mock up or a more specific example?

For a specific user it’s a matter of just adding one future status:

If you want contractors to be automatically identified, there’d have to be some specific logic to detect them based on what group they’re in or some other convention - that ends up requiring triggers currently.

(Manjeet) #5

Thanks @dschoen I will try this.