I have a customisation which has the following in the parse file -
MySource_AREA id_name=“og_show_description” design_area=“show_if”>
MySource_SET name=“condition” value=“logical” />
meta property=“og:description” content="%asset_metadata_og.description%" />
meta property=“og:description” content="%asset_metadata_DCTERMS.description%" />
In the customisation design area I have changed og_show_description to be customised and I have edited it and changed the Condition Settings to
Logical Condition
Logical Grouping - Match all keywords
Keywords - og.description
In the metadata for a standard page asset I have the og.description set to use the default value in the schema which is empty.
Regardless of if the og.description field is empty or not the logical condition will ONLY evaluate the else part. Is there something I am missing here or that I have done wrong? Why is it that even if I put in a value in the og.description field of the metadata for that asset it will execute the else part of the logical condition instead of the then part? The condition should be true and it should execute the then part as there is a value in og.description.
Edit: Please ignore the missing left arrow on the tags. I am not sure how to print out raw code here,