[Beginner] Escaped/Unescaped Keyword Replacements

(Avi Miller) #1

Some of you may have noticed that HTML entities in asset names are escaped when output by %asset_name% in an asset listing.

However, the entitiesare not escaped if you use %asset_attribute_name% instead. :slight_smile:

(Rachel Macdonald) #2

What about when listing PDFs and you want to use the short name?

(Avi Miller) #3

PDFs don't have short names: They have Title (aka "Friendly Name" or %asset_attribute_title%) and the filename itself, which should be the Name attribute (via %asset_name% escaped or %asset_attribute_name% unescaped).

(Rachel Macdonald) #4

That's interesting; I've been using %asset_short_name_linked% without issue (except for the messed up & characters).

I will switch to %asset_attribute_title%, much better. :slight_smile: