Broken Link Report on external links and Flooding

(Serge) #1

Matrix Version:


When running a links report on external links, it’s bound to create a lot of false positives due to anti-flooding measures built in external firewalls.

For instance, if our site has 200 total links to and the report generating tool does 200 simultaneous requests to, we can trip the anti-flood measure and get blocked / no response / access denied / flooding message (depending on their firewall setup).

Is there a way to tell the report generating tool (are you guys using cURL?) to induce a delay between subsequent requests to the same remote host? That would avoid tripping the anti flood measure and get a report that is actually accurate without all the false positives.


(Bart Banda) #2

Good idea, we currently don’t do it as most of users probably don’t hit that problem, but I can see it being beneficial.

The links report tool is very limited and basic, so there are probably other improvements we can do to it as well.

I have submitted this as a feature request into our roadmap tool for now which you can access if you are a Squiz client.