Referring to the manual again:
[quote]You can modify the following settings for each root node:
Browser Cache Expiry: set the length of time (in seconds) that the selected root node is cached in the browser. Once this time has lapsed, the page will be considered expired. The default settings is the value that is entered into the Browser Cache Expiry field on the Details screen. To revert back to this default setting, select Use Default and click Commit.[/quote]
I've reviewed the root node customisation we have and believe I've found the source of my problem. The asset we're trying to customise is the Index page for the site in question e.g. - except that the actual page is, and that's what the customisation is applied to.
Checking separately, I can see the expected response header:
…Cache-Control: max-age=60, public…[/quote]
I've created an additional customisation for the site, with no inclusion of assets, which seems to work as a solution.
It does leave me wondering however if it is safe to have the Index page for a site without a web path set for it?