Calendar Module

(Yogi Bear50) #1

Hi all

Is there any release date for a updated Calendar module for version 3.12.x. Is there many feature changes in the version 3.12.x compared to 3.8.6???

Cheers :smiley:

(Greg Sherwood) #2

All modules are released at the same time as the core GPL product. The calendar is an SSV module though, so you need to contact Squiz to get a copy.

As for the changelog, all changes to the core, GPL modules and SSV modules are included in the CHANGELOG file, which you can find in the MySource Matrix GPL download. You'll need to download a 3.10 and 3.12 version to view the differences between the two versions you have listed.

(Yogi Bear50) #3

[quote]All modules are released at the same time as the core GPL product. The calendar is an SSV module though, so you need to contact Squiz to get a copy.

As for the changelog, all changes to the core, GPL modules and SSV modules are included in the CHANGELOG file, which you can find in the MySource Matrix GPL download. Youā€™ll need to download a 3.10 and 3.12 version to view the differences between the two versions you have listed.


Thanks Greg. I forgot to mention when will a new version of the calendar module documentation be released??? Currently I am using documentation 3.8.6

Cheers :smiley:

(Greg Sherwood) #4

I'll let someone from the doc team answer that.

(Deborah Sherwood) #5

[quote]Thanks Greg. I forgot to mention when will a new version of the calendar moduleĀ  documentation be released??? Currently I am using documentation 3.8.6

Cheers :smiley:


I am currently working on updating all of the manuals for v3.14. I will let you know as soon as I have updated the Calendar manual.

(Yogi Bear50) #6

[quote]I am currently working on updating all of the manuals for v3.14. I will let you know as soon as I have updated the Calendar manual.

Thanks Deborah :smiley:

(Rafal Zrobecki) #7

is there any progress with this calendar package manual?

(Deborah Sherwood) #8

I am still working on the main manuals including the Administration and the System Administration manuals. As I am re-writing all of the manuals it will take me some time to complete them.

(Shird) #9


Is there any update on the Calendar module documentation?

I've been looking through the SSV manuals and can't find any documentation. Am I looking in the wrong place?

(Deborah Sherwood) #10


Is there any update on the Calendar module documentation?

Iā€™ve been looking through the SSV manuals and canā€™t find any documentation. Am I looking in the wrong place?[/quote]

You can download the calendar manual here. You will need to login using your username and password that you use on these forums.

At the moment I am re-writing the designs manual (close to being finished) and then will be writing the Google Maps manual. Once they are done, however, the calendar manual will be updated.

(Shird) #11

[quote]You can download the calendar manual here. You will need to login using your username and password that you use on these forums.

At the moment I am re-writing the designs manual (close to being finished) and then will be writing the Google Maps manual. Once they are done, however, the calendar manual will be updated.[/quote]

Thanks muchly for that, for unknown reasons it didnā€™t appear in the listing for doco even when logged in for me but the direct link worked fine. Now when I view the download manuals page it is appearingā€¦

Looking forward to the new manuals and have cunning plans for the google maps stuff!