Cascading Permission changes - additive or replacing?

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #1

We have a folder of ~2400 assets, where the assets underneath have a variety of permissions applied.

I’m looking to grant a new group admin access over the whole folder, but have paused as I’m not entirely sure if cascading permission changes in Matrix is an additive change - that is to say the new permissions are simply added, not affecting existing permissions - or replace the existing permissions.

The manuals don’t seem to mention this, and we have systems which have both.

(Aleks Bochniak) #2

Try testing it a dev area

(Bart Banda) #3

It’s only additive, it won’t overwrite any existing ones. Likewise, it won’t cascade any existing ones unless you tick the “Manually Cascade Permissions” option.


On some of our sites We utilise groups for each section of our site ( then link in the groups) this saves having to add and delete groups via the pernissions screen. It’s hard though when permissions are very specific, and when it’s quite a few assets.