Changing behaviour of redirect page assets in menu_normal sub nav

(Oliver Kass) #1


Does anyone know if there’s a simple way to specify html for redirect assets in the menu_normal design area?

We’ve got “wanted_asset_types” listed out in the parse file as follows:

<MySource_SET name=“wanted_asset_types” value=“page_standard, link, page_redirect, page_custom_form, folder” />

Had a quick look at the manual but couldn’t find a reference for how to handle the asset types individually. Might be missing it though…

(Mahearnpad) #2

Not exactly sure what your question is, and your code snippet is not appearing. I’m taking a guess and providing you with an example of one of ours, where we use keyword modifiers to handle the conditions of whether it’s a redirect asset type or not.

<li class="<MySource_PRINT var="asset_web_path^replace:_:" />">
<a href="<MySource_PRINT var='asset_type^replace_keywords:contains:Redirect:{redirect_url}:{asset_url}'/>" <MySource_PRINT var='settings.class' />>
<MySource_PRINT var="asset_short_name" /></a></li>

Hope this helps.